Nazi Forced Labor: History and Aftermath (Digital Winter School)
onlineThe third edition of the winter school goes digital. It will provide a forum for educators who want to exchange ideas on methods and teaching practices on the topic of Nazi forced labour and its memory in postwar Europe from a transnational perspective. The winter school will also focus on how educators can use the documents archived at the Arolsen Archives, which comprise among others multi-million page collections of records on forced labour, including the situation of Displaced Persons after liberation. Furthermore, the participants will have the opportunity to develop a teaching unit, a workshop, or a presentation in small international teams, using the material and digital tools provided by the Arolsen Archives and the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre. The compiled output could be used in their own work with pupils, students or adults.
Perspektive Ost: Digitales Programmtreffen
Interessierst durch die für den mittel- und osteuropäischen Raum oder für Zentralasien? Verfolgst du politische oder soziale Entwicklungen in Ländern wie Polen, Georgien und/oder Usbekistan? Oder wolltest du schon immer mal wissen, was das Programm Perspektive Ost von Polis180 zu macht, aber wohnst nicht in Berlin bzw. bist gerade eh nur zu Hause? Dann stoße […]
25-26 March, 2021 SDG Global Festival of Action
The SDG Action global community’s annual meeting place is returning, larger and bolder than ever! No longer confined by a physical location, the SDG Global Festival of Action will meet you where you are.
Local in Global Forum 2021 ‚Sustainable Development in Rural Areas‘, online 26.-30.3.2021
An online forum for actors from the fields of non-formal education with a special interest in rural and structurally weak areas from Armenia, Bulgaria, Germany, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine. How to provide authentic, attractive, impactful educational offers for sustainable development in rural areas? – This is the core question of the Local in Global forum. […]
Online conference: Globalising Eastern Europe – New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements
Following the first successful Regional Conference in Uppsala, Sweden, the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) organises its second Regional Conference in cooperation with the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) Annual Conference in April 2021. Due to the current travel restrictions and health requirements worldwide, the Programme Committee has […]
Conference: Areas of Cooperation and Conflict, Religious Communities and Civil Society in southeastern Europe, online 22.4.-20.5.2021
The conference is dedicated to the engagement of the religious communities with civil society in South Eastern Europe after 1989. Panels 1 and 2 intend to shed light on the practice of this relationship, through which we may understand where a “together“ and a “side by side“ of religious communities are possible, when civil society […]
Textdiskussion: Kate Brown, Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future (Auszug)
Input von Olha Martynyuk (Kyiv/Basel) im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums "Osteuropäische Geschichte". Die Sitzung beruht auf einer vorbereitenden Lektüre. Die Texte sind auf ADAM zugänglich. Wichtig: Das Kolloquium wird online via Zoom stattfinden. Die Zugangsdaten erhalten Interessierte entweder durch Belegung (-> ADAM) oder auf Nachfrage bei
Filmvorführung: “Vierzig Herzen” (“Sorok serdec”) im Rahmen der Filmreihe “Energy Empire East”
Zum zehnten Jahrestag des Staatsplans für die Elektrifizierung Russlands (GOERO) verbindet Regisseur Lev Kulešov, der „Vater der sowjetischen Montagetechnik“, in seinem Dokumentarfilm zur Popularisierung der Elektrifizierung Originalaufnahmen von Baustellen mit inszenierten Szenen und Animationssequenzen. Vierzig regionale Kraftwerke, die titelgebenden Vierzig Herzen, sollen das Land mit Strom versorgen und mit der Elektrifizierung der Sowjetunion deren Modernisierung und Industrialisierung vorantreiben. […]
Conference Warm-up Event: Panel Discussion on Partnerships
The conference week will kick off with a warm-up event on May 31st at 16 o’clock CEST, consisting of a panel discussion about partnerships and networking.
“Dialogue For The Future 2021”
“Dialogue for the Future 2021” is coming! Register now on the conference landing page!