“Zensiert u. verfolgt: Kultur unter Druck”
Die Evangelische Akademie Tutzing veranstaltet in Kooperation mit der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung vom 6.-8. September 2019 die öffentliche Tagung Zensiert & verfolgt: Kultur unter Druck 6.-8. September 2019 Erstarkende […]
Termen limită pentru schițe
Procesul de solicitare a programului de finanțare pentru 2020 începe la sfârșitul lunii august și se încheie pe 11 octombrie 2019. Aplicați cu o schiță a proiectului dvs. și obțineți […]
Conference: Withdrawals – the withdrawal of Soviet and Russian troops from the sphere of power of the (former) USSR since 1985
Location: German-Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshorst Organizers: German-Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshorst; German Society for Eastern European Studies e.V.; German Historical Institute Moscow; Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the Bundeswehr (ZMSBw); […]
German-Ukrainian Bilateral Relations. New Tendencies in Cooperation? [ONLINE]
German-Ukrainian Bilateral Relations: New Tendencies in Cooperation? Online-Event: 18th Ukraine Breakfast Debate Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 10–11:15 AM Welcome and Moderation: Dr. Katrin Böttger*, Director, Institut für Europäische Politik […]
“Dialogue for the Future 2020” – Exchange between East and West
WHEN: 27 – 30 September 2020 WHERE: Berlin, bUm – space for the committed civil society WHO: NGOs or initiatives from the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and France, […]
Ukrainian Studies Online Colloquium
Organized by the Chair Entangled History of Ukraine – European University
Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) – and Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network
Eastern Europe; with the support of DAAD. Registration requests for the ZOOM login details at ukraine@europa-uni.de
Program details: https://www.kuwi.europa-uni.de/en/lehrstuhl/kg/entangled-ukraine/aktuelles/index.html
Info: German-Ukrainian funding programme “Culture for changes“ by MEET UP!
Apply now in the funding programme that aims at intensifying relations to Ukraine and strengthening German and Ukrainian young people in their commitment to basic democratic values and international understanding.
Networking Belarus – possibilities of political, civil and academic cooperation
onlineKick-off online event with the aim to discuss the prospects of EU-Belarus civil and academic cooperation, primarily in regards to the transnational empowerment and mobilization of young activists.
“Belarus! Das weibliche Gesicht der Revolution”
onlineBuchpräsentation und Gespräch mit Julia Cimafiejeva, Iryna Herasimovich, Olga Shparaga, Thomas Weiler, Viola von Cramon; moderiert von Ellen Ueberschär. In der Online-Veranstaltung präsentieren Herausgeber und Autorinnen das Buch und reflektieren Wesen und Antriebe der Proteste sowie Perspektiven für die demokratische Entwicklung in dem postsowjetischen Land.
Anmeldung unter https://calendar.boell.de/de/civi_register/143337