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Pulse of Ukraine Forum
21. Червня 2019 - 22. Червня 2019
“Our Cities, Our Future: All Politics is Local” Forum 2019 Key Topic: A phrase from US politics in the 1980s – “all politics is local” – is just as relevant in Ukraine today as it was in America back then. Cities are a driving force of economic prosperity and political progress, vital centres of democracy, and a focus of both social tension and community cohesion. Kyiv is a global city with an ancient heritage, and many modern challenges. Ukraine’s decentralisation, democratisation and urbanisation policies are big political and administrative tests. They also involve broader economic, social and even cultural consequences.
Dates: June 21st-22nd, 2019
Deadline for registration: June 17, 23:59
– https://gpus-web.eu/projects/dsc-2018-2019/pulse-of-ukraine-forum/registration/
Venue: Conference Hall, “Our Kids” Centre at the Left Bank, Kyiv
Participants: Decision and opinion-makers, entrepreneurs and civic
activists from Ukraine, other Eastern Partnership countries, Russia
and the West
Working Language: English, Ukrainian