Dr. Ingeborg Niestroy is a policy analyst and researcher with around 20 years of experience at the science-policy-society interface of the sustainable development arena, both on the practitioner and researcher side. She studied geography, worked as a planner for transport projects, and has ever since been interested in governance questions of environmental integration and sustainable development. Ingeborg was leading the European network of Environmental and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC), and has worked in the civil society alliance SDG Watch Europe and the European Commission’s multi-stakeholder platform on Agenda 2030. She has lead and collaborated in various studies on governance for sustainable development, including a comparative study of nine EU member states, one for the European Parliament on SDG implementation in all EU member states (2019), and for the members of the Central European Initiative (CEI) – a set of EU, Western Balkan and EaP countries (2020). Since 2019 she has been with the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, Germany, as a scientific staff member in the transdisciplinary team and EU liaison in the secretariat of the German ‘Science Platform Sustainability 2030‘.