von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
Polis180 and the Georgian Institute of Politics believe that ideas and visions of youth from all across the country need to be heard in order to move the democratic transition in Georgia forward. In #GEOYOUTH2020, we sought to empower Georgia’s youth to voice their...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
The project Advancing Young Peacebuilder Careers is organized by Corridors – Dialogue through Cooperation and its regional partner NGOs. It combines academic and practical training with regional dialogue for young experts from the Caucasus. They learn vital concepts...
von Enno Strudthoff | 29.Aug.2019
Das Projekt „Professioneller Austausch und Zusammenarbeit zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren aus Deutschland und Belarus“ (2018) war eine Fortsetzung des Projekts „Ressourcenzentrum für zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen in Belarus“...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
The Caucasus Summer School has been organized since 2016 by Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and its partner universities in Azerbaijan and Georgia. Since then it takes place annually in September alternating between Baku and Tbilisi. In addition to...
von Enno Strudthoff | 29.Aug.2019
Das Civic-Tech-Austauschprojekt konzentrierte sich auf die Einrichtung einer belarussischen Version von Map.vonmorgen.org und kümmerte sich um die API, um Kartevonmorgen mit Wechange, Wikidata, Wikipedia und OpenStreetMap zu verbinden. Hauptziel dabei ist es, den...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
Civic Tech Sisters is a program that brings together 20 mentees (10 from Germany and 10 from Ukraine) with 10 mentors (5 from Germany and 5 from Ukraine) to develop a mentee-mentor-relationship over the course of 6 months (June-October). The aim is to equip young...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
Two research trips to Berlin and to Kiew and Zaporyzhzhia offered German and Ukrainian journalists the possibility to discuss sexual diversity and anti-discrimination. Besides the research activities, the programme included transnational collegial exchange as well as...
von Enno Strudthoff | 24.Mrz.2021
demoSlam is a dialog format for unconventional exchange about shared values and differences – personal, close to everyday life and creative. Participants work in pairs: one pair, one topic, two opinions. In a workshop on understanding, they are given the tools...
von Simon Liedtke | 09.Jun.2019
Der Hauptstadt-Dialog in Moskau (2017) und Berlin (2018) war Teil eines langfristigen Jugendprojektes, das von der Alumnivereinigung des Deutsch-Russischen-Jugend-Parlaments (DRJUG e.V.) initiiert wurde. Das Projekt knüpft an eine Reihe von öffentlichen Diskussionen...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Okt.2019
Das Projekt arbeitet seit 2015 als gemeinsamer Dialog, der vom Deutsch-Russischen Austausch (DRA) und anderen NGOs ins Leben gerufen wurde. Eine der Veranstaltungen ist eine Konferenz, die darauf abzielt, Vertrauen aufzubauen und verschiedene Methoden zur Entwicklung...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Okt.2019
Digitaler Journalismus für den Kaukasus ist ein Projekt der Interlink Academy Internationaler Dialog und Journalismus, das 2018 organisiert wird. Ziel des dreimonatigen Kurses war es, Journalisten aus Georgien, Aserbaidschan und Armenien miteinander in Kontakt zu...
von Enno Strudthoff | 29.Aug.2019
„Erinnerung lernen“ ist ein transnationales zivilgesellschaftliches Projekt zur Entwicklung von Materialien und Formaten für eine jüdische Erinnerungsarbeit in der Ukraine. Gemeinsam mit ukrainischen Partnern entwickeln die Projektverantwortlichen der Jüdischen...
von Enno Strudthoff | 22.Mrz.2021
With the project called “EU Perceptions and Reality in Moldova (WE&EU)” IEP sought to open up new communication channels to the EU-critical parts of the population in the Republic of Moldova and to promote the dialogue on European values and the advantages of the...
von Enno Strudthoff | 19.Mrz.2021
IBB Minsk and IBB Dortmund in cooperation with the Center for Environmental Solutions in Minsk organised the training series on sustainable event management „Events for Future“: Almost 200 interested people from Belarus had applied to take part in the...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Okt.2019
Die School of Social Entrepreneurship „GOOD IMPACT“ wird 2019 gegründet, um motivierte belarussische Aktivisten, die ein sozial orientiertes Unternehmen eröffnen oder gerade erst gegründet haben, mit internationalen Experten zusammenzubringen. Die Schule...
von Enno Strudthoff | 30.Mrz.2021
Women’s organisations regularly share alarming information about threats against and hindrance to the work of civil society groups, and particularly against women’s and LGBTIQ+ activists. This was the starting point for the international four-steps-project which...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
In 2019–2020 the “German Ukrainian Researchers Network” (GURN) was organised to increase the cooperation of think tanks in Ukraine and Germany, strengthen policy analysis in Ukraine and enable a transfer of knowledge. The project was launched by the Institut für...
von Enno Strudthoff | 24.Mrz.2021
The project brings together journalists, activists and media experts from Georgia and Germany to discuss strategies to fight misinformation, hate speech and social network manipulation and to strengthen freedom of speech.Within the 2020 collaborative project “HATE...
von Enno Strudthoff | 24.Mrz.2021
Successfully implemented the MEET UP! German-Ukrainian Youth Encounters funding programme of the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ) has established a sustainable platform for bilateral youth exchanges and innovative German-Ukrainian project...
von Enno Strudthoff | 24.Mrz.2021
With the MEET UP! Youth for Partnership funding programme, the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ) and the Federal Foreign Office support international youth projects with Germany, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine. Its mission is to intensify...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Apr.2021
The project Mitgestalten! promotes a variety of activities for more social participation of children and young people. In cooperation with local partners in Ukraine, Georgia, Russia and Armenia, the DRA was able to strengthen democracy competences and realize future...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Apr.2021
The goal of this project was to foster the German-Russian academic discourse and citizen exchange, strengthen citizen participation and local self-governance. Due to the pandemic, study trips from St. Petersburg got replaced to Pskov, instead of Berlin. German-Russian...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
Young historians, IT experts, representatives of NGOs and journalists discussed new digital formats and multi-perspective approaches in historical work via interactive maps, apps, and virtual tours. In various activities, IBB Dortmund and IBB Minsk brought together...
von Enno Strudthoff | 22.Apr.2021
The competing, radically divergent historical narratives on Russian-Ukrainian relations and on the evolution of European security since the end of the Cold War are a major stumbling block for an effective search for a way out of the current confrontation between...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
“Platform for Civil Society Dialogue” focuses on the development of a dialogue platform between representatives of Russian, Belarusian and German civil society organizations engaged in the social sector, in particular inclusion and empowerment of...
von Enno Strudthoff | 29.Aug.2019
Das Projekt „Stadt im Dialog 3: P2P Learning’s Growth of Urban Activism in Small Russian Cities“ befasst sich mit der Bedeutung der physischen Infrastruktur, der Medieninfrastruktur und der wirtschaftlichen Infrastruktur. Schlüsselelemente des...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Okt.2019
Studienreise 2018 „Zwischen Forschung und Politik: How do #thinktanks shape policy-making in Germany“ wurde vom Projekt „Plattform für Analytik und interkulturelle Kommunikation“ organisiert und fand in Berlin statt. Die Experten aus...
von Enno Strudthoff | 12.Jul.2021
The climate crisis, the mass extinction of species and other ecological problems threaten the life of many people on our planet. Especially young people are and will be affected by these developments. That’s why we – the educational houses of EcoHub (AM), Neighborhood...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Okt.2019
Ziel des Forums TRIYOU war es, Partnerschaften zu initiieren, neue Ideen zu schaffen und Organisatoren von Jugendbegegnungen mit Fachkenntnissen sowie die Durchführung trilateraler Projekte zu unterstützen. Das Projekt richtet sich an Praktiker der internationalen...
von Enno Strudthoff | 28.Okt.2019
Twin City Lab ist ein neues Projekt von vier Ländern – Deutschland, Belarus, Russland und der Ukraine. Es zielt darauf ab, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Städten und Partnern zu fördern, städtische Gemeinschaften zu stärken und einen internationalen Austausch über...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
Ukraine Calling is a project-oriented capacity building for organisations from Ukraine, Belarus, France, Poland, and Germany. It offers seminars and workshops to provide orientational and applied knowledge on the topic of local development, as well as to assist its...
von Enno Strudthoff | 17.Mrz.2021
The „Youth-led Community Development“ project aimed to foster youth-led community development, qualification, and exchange between young adults from Azerbaijan and Georgia regions. It thus opened prospects for the future and increased regional cooperation...